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Rectangular Connectors - Arrays, Edge Type, Mezzanine (Board to Board)

Image Part Number Description Manufacturer Quick Order
5042481212 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.4 12CKT TP Molex
5042481610 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5042481612 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.4 16CKT TP Molex
5042482010 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5042482012 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.4 20CKT TP Molex
5042482410 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5042482412 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.4 24CKT TP Molex
5042483010 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5042483012 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.4 30CKT TP Molex
5042483410 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5042483412 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.4 34CKT TP Molex
5042483810 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5042483812 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.4 38CKT TP Molex
5042484012 CONN BTB RECPT SMD Molex
5046181012 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 10CKT TP Molex
5046182012 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 20CKT TP Molex
5046183012 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 30CKT TP Molex
5046183412 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 34CKT TP Molex
5046183480 CONN BTB PLUG SMD Molex
5046184012 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 40CKT TP Molex
5046185012 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 50CKT TP Molex
5046186410 CONN BTB RECPT 64 POS SMD Molex
5046186412 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 64CKT TP Molex
5046187010 0.35 B/B REC ASSY 70CKT Molex
5046187012 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 70CKT TP Molex
5046221012 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 10CKT TP Molex
5046222012 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 20CKT TP Molex
5046223012 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 30CKT TP Molex
5046223412 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 34CKT TP Molex
5046224012 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 40CKT TP Molex
5046225012 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 50CKT TP Molex
5046226410 CONN BTB PLUG 64 POS SMD Molex
5046226412 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 64CKT TP Molex
5050040820 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5050060820 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.4 B-B Molex
5050661020 0.35 B/B REC ASSY 10CKT EMBSTP P Molex
5050662022 RECP ASSY B-B 0.35 20CKT TP Molex
5050662220 035 BB REC ASSY 22CKT Molex
5050663420 035 BB REC ASSY 34CKT Molex
5050664220 CONN ASSY RECP 0.35 B-B Molex
5050664810 035 BB REC ASSY 48CKT PKG Molex
5050664820 0.35 B/B REC ASSY 48CKT EMBSTP P Molex
5050665020 035 BB REC ASSY 50CKT Molex
5050665420 0.35 B/B REC ASSY 54CKT EMBSTP P Molex
5050700622 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 06CKT TP Molex
5050700640 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.35 B-B Molex
5050701020 0.35 B/B PLUG ASSY 10CKT EMBSTP Molex
5050701022 PLUG ASSY B-B 0.35 10CKT TP Molex
5050701040 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.35 B-B Molex
5050701240 CONN ASSY PLUG 0.35 B-B Molex